I’ve heard a lot today about the need for dialogue on the subject of racism. Most of those speaking seemed to feel that a dialogue should bee them telling everyone else what the facts are. I’ve wondered about this stuff for a long time, and I hope I paid attention because this is what I’ve come away with.
1. Only the recipient of the offense is qualified to identify the situation as offensive.
e.g. Vogue’s recent cover.
2. Caucasian people are not a race and thus can not be the victims of racism.
e.g. Duke lacrosse.
3. Sound bites from the presidents speeches are sufficient to identify his positions. But, we must hear the entire sermon and maybe a whole series of sermons to under stand the Black Church.
Let me stop hear a minute. One of these sound bites, as I understood it, claims that AIDS is a genocide plot of the United States Government. (I didn’t know Jimmy Carter was into that sort of thing.) Still I don’t see how further context could change my opinion. That’s pure paranoia.
I remember when Rodney King happened that I believed that the cops acted more out of fear than out of racism. I had personal experiences on which to base this opinion, but when I shared them with any black person I ran into I was told I couldn’t know what it was to be black. Correct, any more than they could understand what it’s like to be a scared white cop. Cops of all colors generally like to be in control of things. When the means that they employ to get control don’t work, they get a little uncomfortable. When the person they are trying to control continues to attack, adrenaline takes over. I’m not saying that it went down that way, only suggesting an alternative to the race card.
What the race baiters in this country have to figure out is that there are more sides to the story than theirs.
4. I have never met a black person that I didn’t like. (Check that, when a group of three black guys knocked me down and kicked me in Thailand for no other reason than that they could, I didn’t have much love for them. But, aside from those guys I like most black people.)
5. I used to think that there was such a thing as racism in the black community, over the last week I’ve been informed I’m wrong. (So I won’t tell you that I think Obama is a racist.)
6. The only bright spot in this weeks discussion was on a financial talk show on Saturday morning. A successful black investor said something to the effect that when a young black person breaks into the business world he had better get the chip off his shoulder before it gets in his way. (I have always felt sorry for those black people who let their culture force them to fail)
7. Finally, "He’s not really black." what’s up with that. Can I say some white guy that doesn’t behave exactly according to stereotype (typical white woman) isn’t really white.
Making It Up As She Goes Along
I’ve just spent a couple of hours trying to find a clip that I saw twice last night. That’s why I say I don’t have time to blog, real blogging should be backed up by research. Please, don't confuse me for a real blogger. I’ll just say what I think and let y’all tell me I’m wrong.
So, last night I saw a clip in which Hillary was answering a question about pressure for her to drop out. She responded. "22% think I should step down, 22% think Barack should and 62% think we should just keep going at it."
This struck me and stuck in my head because it highlights one important point.
6% of those questioned voted twice. (must be Democrats)
Washington D.C. math can always squeeze out a few extra percentage point to support their position. (must be Democrats)
Hillary just makes things up as she goes. (must be a Democrat)
So, last night I saw a clip in which Hillary was answering a question about pressure for her to drop out. She responded. "22% think I should step down, 22% think Barack should and 62% think we should just keep going at it."
This struck me and stuck in my head because it highlights one important point.
6% of those questioned voted twice. (must be Democrats)
Washington D.C. math can always squeeze out a few extra percentage point to support their position. (must be Democrats)
Hillary just makes things up as she goes. (must be a Democrat)
Fairy Tales & Dreams
Being the First Lady prepares Hillary for the presidency, like being married to John would qualify Yoko to take Lennon’s place on a Beatles reunion tour. J.H. Bol
Hillary brought her daughter along on her perilous trip to Bosnia even though they were warned how dangerous it was. These briefings were so scary that they caused Hillary to imagine running crouched over under a hail of sniper fire, so she figured she should have Chelsea share the experience.
Obama admits that he took objection to some of his ex-pastors words, so he exposed his small daughters to them.
Barack and Hillary, obviously, agree that you shouldn’t over protect your children.
I have heard some wonderful fairy tales this election season, I even told a few myself, but non as fanciful as the one I heard a few weeks ago. I’ve been milling it over and so I haven’t written for a while, because I feared that if I missed the moral of the story I’d miss something important.
Here it is.
Someone told me that when the delegates to the Republican National Convention got to the Twin Cities, they would suddenly realize that they didn’t have to represent the voters of their districts and thus could cast their vote for the candidate that they liked. Then I watched an organized effort by the Ron Paul supporters to seize as many delegate positions to the State Convention as they could. They were well aware that at the local precinct caucus level, they had mustered less than forty percent at best. But they felt, for some reason, that the Huckabee supporters that had out numbered them at that level didn’t deserve to be represented at the State level.
So I ask myself.
Did they do this same kind of thing all over the State? All over the Country? Do they hope to send a majority of delegates to the National Convention and make Ron Paul the National nominee?
I shudder to think. The Democrats are committing suicide, but not to be outdone the Ron Paul people plan to destroy the Republicans chances at the White House first.
I like the Ron Paul people, but he hasn’t got more than ten percent in the most favorable poles. He can’t win. If they get to Minneapolis, I hope they'll represent the people at the precinct level who gave them the opportunity to go.
Wake Up
Super Delegates. If you want to talk about the democratic system or making sure that every vote counts, don’t look to the DNC. It makes sense to them to have a bunch of special voters who achieved their elite status by who knows what means, having the power to endow their party’s nomination on whom ever they think will benefit them personally. Hillary, in my estimation, is likely to buy, bribe, blackmail and threaten any and all of them to get what she feels she is entitled to. (Talk about the entitlement culture)
Those who were involved in the institution of Super Delegates, are squirming around the question, "what were you thinking." They know the answer, they just can’t figure out how to give it with out looking like what they are, the elite. For the last fifty years the D’s have kept their slaves and peons in line bowing at the alter of promised favor, certain that the cat could never get out of the bag. But kitty dun broke free, they can only hope that their constituency has been charmed into being too blind to see.
It will do us no good to try to point at the cat, your standard Democrat Kool-Aid drinker has been well trained to look the opposite direction when they see us point. They won’t hear us if we shout, "Hey! you guys are being cheated." They’re programmed to believe that only Republicans can be corrupt. So, we can only hope that this time some few or bunch of them wake up and find their way to the "right" side.
I wish I could get all our pundits to line up on a single theme like the other side does. (Not much chance of that, our people think for themselves.) But a hypnotic drone seems to reach the mind of the D’s. We should all stand facing the same direction and shout in unison, "Wake Up!"
Oh well! I guess that once you’ve acquired a taste for Kool-Aid, it’s hard to crave the flavor of the truth.
I would love to point out that many of them would be better represented by Republicans. God fearing, gun toting, making our own way while honoring our nation and our homes, Republicans. People who don’t want to cookie-cut the world into anything and will not be cookie-cut by anybody else. Americans that desire to worship when a were and how they like, patriots that believe that despite its flaws America is the greatest nation under God.
If I could get one message through to a democrat it would be this: If anybody other than the Democratic Party is actually victimizing you to the point that you need the government to save you, then the government as it has always been will help you out. Nothing needs to change, right thinking people disapprove of bullies. The problem is that if you stop needing the government to lift you up, you’ll stop voting for the party that promises and never delivers help. The Democrat leadership can’t give you what they promise because once you get it you won’t need them anymore.
Those who were involved in the institution of Super Delegates, are squirming around the question, "what were you thinking." They know the answer, they just can’t figure out how to give it with out looking like what they are, the elite. For the last fifty years the D’s have kept their slaves and peons in line bowing at the alter of promised favor, certain that the cat could never get out of the bag. But kitty dun broke free, they can only hope that their constituency has been charmed into being too blind to see.
It will do us no good to try to point at the cat, your standard Democrat Kool-Aid drinker has been well trained to look the opposite direction when they see us point. They won’t hear us if we shout, "Hey! you guys are being cheated." They’re programmed to believe that only Republicans can be corrupt. So, we can only hope that this time some few or bunch of them wake up and find their way to the "right" side.
I wish I could get all our pundits to line up on a single theme like the other side does. (Not much chance of that, our people think for themselves.) But a hypnotic drone seems to reach the mind of the D’s. We should all stand facing the same direction and shout in unison, "Wake Up!"
Oh well! I guess that once you’ve acquired a taste for Kool-Aid, it’s hard to crave the flavor of the truth.
I would love to point out that many of them would be better represented by Republicans. God fearing, gun toting, making our own way while honoring our nation and our homes, Republicans. People who don’t want to cookie-cut the world into anything and will not be cookie-cut by anybody else. Americans that desire to worship when a were and how they like, patriots that believe that despite its flaws America is the greatest nation under God.
If I could get one message through to a democrat it would be this: If anybody other than the Democratic Party is actually victimizing you to the point that you need the government to save you, then the government as it has always been will help you out. Nothing needs to change, right thinking people disapprove of bullies. The problem is that if you stop needing the government to lift you up, you’ll stop voting for the party that promises and never delivers help. The Democrat leadership can’t give you what they promise because once you get it you won’t need them anymore.
When The Phone Rings At Three In The Morning
Hillary picks up the phone and hears.....
"Hey, it’s me Bill. I’m down at the titty bar. Can you send somebody over with a buttload of ones?"
"Hey, it’s me Bill. I’m down at the titty bar. Can you send somebody over with a buttload of ones?"
Outside The Box
So, how can McCain win the White House without the conservative wing of the party? Easy. He needs to get on the phone and cut a deal with Obama. Say, "Hey buddy, if Hillary steals the nomination from you, would you consider being number two on my ticket?"
Think about it. Teddy will come over, he likes McCain and Obama, Joey Lieberman will be smiling right along. The Hispanics love McCain, the blacks love Obama, that leaves only the feminists and the unions for Clinton if she can hold them.
Would Hillary’s face crack from the sudden change of expression when she gets the news. Imagine the big smile on her face when she steals the nomination at the convention, and turns to ask Obama if he’s willing to jump into her back seat. If he answers, "No thanks, I’m going to be on the McCain ticket." The realization that not only has she no chance of beating such a combination, but that she's going to be beaten so badly that she can never try again will form in her head. Bang! a look of horror will replace her smile so quickly that her stiff face muscles will surely snap.
Now I know you’ll say that mixed party tickets are unheard of in today's political environment, and I guess that’s true. But let’s think out side the box. Both Obama and McCain talk about reaching across the isle to get things done. The press will be so enamored that it will be all they talk about. But most importantly will be the numbers. About twenty to thirty percent of the population is so partisan on each side that they couldn’t bring themselves to vote for a duel party ticket. So, there has got to be more than fifty percent that will say, what the heck, let’s vote for change. (Cinton never got over 50%)
The down side: Assassination of either or both is a big possichancity, so we better really like the Speaker of the House. McCain’s age might be more of a consideration (except the ticket won’t need conservatives to win.) We won’t be getting a Republican administration (like we were with McCain anyway.) Barack gets the experience he needs to take the White House himself next time.
On the side: Vice Presidents have about as much influence as the President gives them. McCain will be in charge long enough to set an Iraq policy that Obama can live with. Obama can go to the hill and break the dead locks on the big issues. The rest of the world will see it as a step in the right direction.
The Upside: Politics as usual is finished. Hillary, in an attempt to win anyway will destroy the Democratic party. McCain appoints the judges, McCain selects the cabinet, McCain signs or vetoes the bills and McCain is Commander and Chief. There’s a really good chance the Clintons will finally be out of the picture for good.
So, why would Barack take the Job? Better chance of being president in four years than if he signs on with Hillary. If he turns down the offer, the world will know that he really doesn’t want change and Bi-partisanship, so his whole image is shot. If McCain cuts the right kind of deal, so Obama gets a nice piece of the leadership pie, he can pad his resume.
I plan on sharing this idea with a Vice Chair of the RNC I know. It’s so far out the big boys won’t get it right away, but it’ll grow on them. When they figure out that they might take back the House and the Senate, that McCain will be assured of victory in November and finally, that voter turn out will be so huge that the local conservative candidates will have a better chance.
I’m telling you, this is big. Real big. WAY OUT Side The Box.
Think about it. Teddy will come over, he likes McCain and Obama, Joey Lieberman will be smiling right along. The Hispanics love McCain, the blacks love Obama, that leaves only the feminists and the unions for Clinton if she can hold them.
Would Hillary’s face crack from the sudden change of expression when she gets the news. Imagine the big smile on her face when she steals the nomination at the convention, and turns to ask Obama if he’s willing to jump into her back seat. If he answers, "No thanks, I’m going to be on the McCain ticket." The realization that not only has she no chance of beating such a combination, but that she's going to be beaten so badly that she can never try again will form in her head. Bang! a look of horror will replace her smile so quickly that her stiff face muscles will surely snap.
Now I know you’ll say that mixed party tickets are unheard of in today's political environment, and I guess that’s true. But let’s think out side the box. Both Obama and McCain talk about reaching across the isle to get things done. The press will be so enamored that it will be all they talk about. But most importantly will be the numbers. About twenty to thirty percent of the population is so partisan on each side that they couldn’t bring themselves to vote for a duel party ticket. So, there has got to be more than fifty percent that will say, what the heck, let’s vote for change. (Cinton never got over 50%)
The down side: Assassination of either or both is a big possichancity, so we better really like the Speaker of the House. McCain’s age might be more of a consideration (except the ticket won’t need conservatives to win.) We won’t be getting a Republican administration (like we were with McCain anyway.) Barack gets the experience he needs to take the White House himself next time.
On the side: Vice Presidents have about as much influence as the President gives them. McCain will be in charge long enough to set an Iraq policy that Obama can live with. Obama can go to the hill and break the dead locks on the big issues. The rest of the world will see it as a step in the right direction.
The Upside: Politics as usual is finished. Hillary, in an attempt to win anyway will destroy the Democratic party. McCain appoints the judges, McCain selects the cabinet, McCain signs or vetoes the bills and McCain is Commander and Chief. There’s a really good chance the Clintons will finally be out of the picture for good.
So, why would Barack take the Job? Better chance of being president in four years than if he signs on with Hillary. If he turns down the offer, the world will know that he really doesn’t want change and Bi-partisanship, so his whole image is shot. If McCain cuts the right kind of deal, so Obama gets a nice piece of the leadership pie, he can pad his resume.
I plan on sharing this idea with a Vice Chair of the RNC I know. It’s so far out the big boys won’t get it right away, but it’ll grow on them. When they figure out that they might take back the House and the Senate, that McCain will be assured of victory in November and finally, that voter turn out will be so huge that the local conservative candidates will have a better chance.
I’m telling you, this is big. Real big. WAY OUT Side The Box.
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