I remember how I held out for anybody but Bob Dole, I was sure he was a looser. The Washington insiders told us we were being unreasonable to resist the inevitable candidacy of the Kansas Senator. I said then as I’m saying now that we haven’t put a Senator in the White House since J.F.K. People don’t trust Senators, they spend all their time making compromises.
Again, we are being chastised by the Washington elite, how dare we resist the Arizona Senator's well deserved coronation. It’s his turn after all. Bob Dole himself came to McCain’s defense. My gag reflex is once more trying to ignore reason, I will continue to support anyone else as long as they are in the race.
Today I saw something very interesting on the news, they showed both of the democrat candidates in Virginia making their bids for the voters of that state. I didn’t really listen to what they were saying, but I could tell why Obama is kicking her butt without hearing a word he had to say. In the foreground, to the sides and behind Senator Clinton were adoring supporters waving signs, that had in large print the letters H I L L A R Y. Then at the Obama rally, there weren’t any Obama signs, just his slogan "Believe." Later I heard a cut of an old Reagan speech, filled with themes of hope and pride in our great nation.
So again, I implore Mike Huckabee to find a message of hope and forget himself. Washington insiders are pretty stuck on themselves and couldn’t imagine taking their names off of their signs, but Huckabee as a man of God should easily find a way.
Reagan brought America under his vision. A great leader has a vision that his followers can rally around, a name is not a vision. What do you want our land of liberty to be like when Huckabee is the President? I’m waiting for him to tell me.
I can guess that I won’t like what McCain’s vision of compromise and a Hispanic majority on the public dime will be like. The McCain that gave labor unions the upper-hand in campaign finance, will give away anything to boost his ego. He doesn’t hear conservatives protesting his pantywaist treatment of illegals or terrorist captives, he is so wonderful in his own mind that he satisfied with his own opinion.
Now, to totally jump to a different track, Chris Wallace interviewed President George W. Bush today on the Fox News. Wallace was so sure that the President was going to come out and say that he supported McCain, that it biased all of his questions. Then he and all his colleagues seemed to hear the President say that everybody should fall in line behind McCain. I listened to the interview twice, the first time I didn’t hear the President say He thought McCain had it in the bag. The second time I paid more attention, I got the impression that the President was hopping that Huckabee could somehow pull off a miracle. I’m sure it was my bias, so I’m sure that the Fox commentators heard what they heard out of bias as well.
I said all of that to say this. After watching a whole lot of Fox News for the last ten years, I finally figured out that they’re not altogether fair and balanced.
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