So, how can McCain win the White House without the conservative wing of the party? Easy. He needs to get on the phone and cut a deal with Obama. Say, "Hey buddy, if Hillary steals the nomination from you, would you consider being number two on my ticket?"
Think about it. Teddy will come over, he likes McCain and Obama, Joey Lieberman will be smiling right along. The Hispanics love McCain, the blacks love Obama, that leaves only the feminists and the unions for Clinton if she can hold them.
Would Hillary’s face crack from the sudden change of expression when she gets the news. Imagine the big smile on her face when she steals the nomination at the convention, and turns to ask Obama if he’s willing to jump into her back seat. If he answers, "No thanks, I’m going to be on the McCain ticket." The realization that not only has she no chance of beating such a combination, but that she's going to be beaten so badly that she can never try again will form in her head. Bang! a look of horror will replace her smile so quickly that her stiff face muscles will surely snap.
Now I know you’ll say that mixed party tickets are unheard of in today's political environment, and I guess that’s true. But let’s think out side the box. Both Obama and McCain talk about reaching across the isle to get things done. The press will be so enamored that it will be all they talk about. But most importantly will be the numbers. About twenty to thirty percent of the population is so partisan on each side that they couldn’t bring themselves to vote for a duel party ticket. So, there has got to be more than fifty percent that will say, what the heck, let’s vote for change. (Cinton never got over 50%)
The down side: Assassination of either or both is a big possichancity, so we better really like the Speaker of the House. McCain’s age might be more of a consideration (except the ticket won’t need conservatives to win.) We won’t be getting a Republican administration (like we were with McCain anyway.) Barack gets the experience he needs to take the White House himself next time.
On the side: Vice Presidents have about as much influence as the President gives them. McCain will be in charge long enough to set an Iraq policy that Obama can live with. Obama can go to the hill and break the dead locks on the big issues. The rest of the world will see it as a step in the right direction.
The Upside: Politics as usual is finished. Hillary, in an attempt to win anyway will destroy the Democratic party. McCain appoints the judges, McCain selects the cabinet, McCain signs or vetoes the bills and McCain is Commander and Chief. There’s a really good chance the Clintons will finally be out of the picture for good.
So, why would Barack take the Job? Better chance of being president in four years than if he signs on with Hillary. If he turns down the offer, the world will know that he really doesn’t want change and Bi-partisanship, so his whole image is shot. If McCain cuts the right kind of deal, so Obama gets a nice piece of the leadership pie, he can pad his resume.
I plan on sharing this idea with a Vice Chair of the RNC I know. It’s so far out the big boys won’t get it right away, but it’ll grow on them. When they figure out that they might take back the House and the Senate, that McCain will be assured of victory in November and finally, that voter turn out will be so huge that the local conservative candidates will have a better chance.
I’m telling you, this is big. Real big. WAY OUT Side The Box.
1 comment:
This is not outside the box. There is no box. That's how outside it is.
This is like taking Bud Seilig and making him the vice chairman of the MB player's union kinda thing. It completely shuts down the standard dems vs. pubs concept of things.
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