Wake Up

Super Delegates. If you want to talk about the democratic system or making sure that every vote counts, don’t look to the DNC. It makes sense to them to have a bunch of special voters who achieved their elite status by who knows what means, having the power to endow their party’s nomination on whom ever they think will benefit them personally. Hillary, in my estimation, is likely to buy, bribe, blackmail and threaten any and all of them to get what she feels she is entitled to. (Talk about the entitlement culture)

Those who were involved in the institution of Super Delegates, are squirming around the question, "what were you thinking." They know the answer, they just can’t figure out how to give it with out looking like what they are, the elite. For the last fifty years the D’s have kept their slaves and peons in line bowing at the alter of promised favor, certain that the cat could never get out of the bag. But kitty dun broke free, they can only hope that their constituency has been charmed into being too blind to see.

It will do us no good to try to point at the cat, your standard Democrat Kool-Aid drinker has been well trained to look the opposite direction when they see us point. They won’t hear us if we shout, "Hey! you guys are being cheated." They’re programmed to believe that only Republicans can be corrupt. So, we can only hope that this time some few or bunch of them wake up and find their way to the "right" side.

I wish I could get all our pundits to line up on a single theme like the other side does. (Not much chance of that, our people think for themselves.) But a hypnotic drone seems to reach the mind of the D’s. We should all stand facing the same direction and shout in unison, "Wake Up!"
Oh well! I guess that once you’ve acquired a taste for Kool-Aid, it’s hard to crave the flavor of the truth.

I would love to point out that many of them would be better represented by Republicans. God fearing, gun toting, making our own way while honoring our nation and our homes, Republicans. People who don’t want to cookie-cut the world into anything and will not be cookie-cut by anybody else. Americans that desire to worship when a were and how they like, patriots that believe that despite its flaws America is the greatest nation under God.

If I could get one message through to a democrat it would be this: If anybody other than the Democratic Party is actually victimizing you to the point that you need the government to save you, then the government as it has always been will help you out. Nothing needs to change, right thinking people disapprove of bullies. The problem is that if you stop needing the government to lift you up, you’ll stop voting for the party that promises and never delivers help. The Democrat leadership can’t give you what they promise because once you get it you won’t need them anymore.


American Warmonger said...

They’re programmed to believe that only Republicans can be corrupt.

The solution is in this quote. Make the dems look like pubs and they'll never listen to the dems again.......


Maybe voting in McCain isn't such a bad thing after all. He's IS a RINO.

Poindexter Prometheus Parkenfarker said...

Superdelegates have SUPERPOWERS, like Space Ghost and Harvey Birdman...

American Warmonger said...

Jeeze, would you just say something already!