Romney Like Regan

Today Mitt Romney dropped out of the race. The news people stayed with him through his entire speech because they knew it was coming and they didn’t want to miss it.

For the first time Mitt didn’t tell me why He was the best choice. He didn’t review his resume, he didn’t brag about his battle against the dark side in the Socialist Republic of Massachusetts and he didn’t mention saving the world with the Salt Lake Olympics. What did he say? He talked about why America has been great, how it became great and how it could remain great.

He talked about America’s enemies from within and without. During this campaign season, each candidate in turn tried to compare them selves to Ronald Reagan, today Romney did it. What is the Obama magic? What was Reagan’s magic? Romney found it in an attempt to take himself out of the picture. It’s not about the candidate, it’s about the greatness of our nation.
God bless America

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